Meet Annabelle

3-year-old Annabelle is a cheeky, fun-loving little girl who was her parents’ miracle baby.

Annabelle’s journey started with a large, swollen lump on her head and swollen lymph nodes along her throat.

Then came a rollercoaster of medical appointments, hospital admissions and countless tests. 

The cause of Annabelle’s symptoms remained unclear until she was finally referred to the Queensland Children’s Hospital and underwent a series of ultrasounds, blood tests and specialist consultations.

Her parents anxiously awaited answers, and then they received the heart-breaking news…

On 8th July 2024, Annabelle was diagnosed with b-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. 

Annabelle was immediately admitted to the oncology ward where she received two transfusions to stabilise her dangerously low platelet levels.

She then commenced a treatment protocol involving intensive chemotherapy and steroids (which drastically affected her mood).

Since her diagnosis, Annabelle’s family has had to uproot their lives from a ‘sleepy little village’ in Northern NSW to Brisbane for easy access to the Queensland Children’s Hospital.

Sadly, this has meant leaving Annabelle’s Dachshund puppy Maverick, or ‘Mavvy,’ behind in the care of family. Maverick is a big emotional support for Annabelle, who has high-functioning autism, helping her regulate her emotions when she is overwhelmed. 

Annabelle asks about her puppy multiple times a day… she can’t wait to be reunited with her furry best friend. 

Currently, the plan is for Annabelle to receive at least a month of treatment in Brisbane before she can initially return home.

Community support has been such a beacon of light for Annabelle’s family during these tough times, with her parents sharing that ‘the outpouring of love and support has been nothing short of jaw-dropping.’

Annabelle’s day care centre held a special ‘Wear it Pink for Annabelle Day,’ a local bakery sold cupcakes and donated the proceeds towards her recovery, and her Uncle Tony (a 10-year legacy rider of GCC) has dedicated his challenge to her.

Having been diagnosed very recently, there are still many unknowns when it comes to 

Annabelle’s exact treatment plan moving forward.

As the extent of her cancer is determined and her response to treatment carefully monitored, the road ahead will become clearer.

In the meantime, Annabelle and her family are celebrating the little wins… like an outing to the park after 2 weeks in hospital!

Annabelle, you are a brave and courageous little lady - we’re all riding for YOU this October!