Meet Harriet

8-year-old Harriet is a gymnastics-loving ball of energy who is not afraid to be her dorky, hilarious self. 

Harriet and her older brother are both autistic, and different in many ways, so managing their individual needs has already been a complex task.

But life has become so much busier with the addition of a heartbreaking diagnosis.

It all started when Harriet’s mum noticed that her daughter was more clingy and emotionally sensitive than usual. She needed to be picked up a lot and was just not her bouncy self.

Then, her mum found bruises on her little body.

Harriet’s parents took her to the doctor to investigate potential anemia, and then they received the shocking news.

On December 12th, 2023, Harriet was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive subtype of leukaemia known as acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APML).

She started treatment immediately and spent 36 days in hospital for her initial round of treatment.

Rather than standard chemotherapy, Harriet’s cancer is typically treated with arsenic and retinoic acid.

The first month of arsenic treatment was especially stressful as it was very high risk. Harriet was closely monitored for heart issues, brain bleeds and other possible side effects. Getting past that first month was a huge relief.

It was a rollercoaster ride, and last Christmas was particularly hard. Harriet was so excited to leave hospital for a day, but she spiked a temperature, and ended up in isolation with rhinovirus.

She received treatment in 6-week blocks, and missed school for 4 weeks at a time.

It was really hard to miss so much school, and was always difficult to transition back after a treatment break, but Harriet’s classmates were so supportive.

Now, Harriet has finished treatment and her family are awaiting the plan for the next stage of her journey. 

Harriet, you’re a little legend and we’re riding for YOU this October!