Meet Eva

4-year-old Eva has always been a social butterfly – she loves the colour pink, pretty dresses, puppy dogs and people. 

Eva’s cancer journey started when her parents noticed some small and subtle changes in her behaviour. 

They were puzzled over what was going on and took Eva to the doctor to investigate.

Then, just 9 days before her 2nd birthday, the world stopped spinning when the doctor said that dreaded word… ‘cancer.’

Little Eva was diagnosed with retinoblastoma.

Retinoblastoma is a type of eye cancer that starts in the retina – the light-detecting tissue at the back of the eye.

Her mum, Elle, remembers the horrifying moment that she realised her daughter was blind (but had been so good at masking it that nobody had realised).

Once diagnosed, Eva endured 8 rounds of systemic chemotherapy, 12 rounds of inter-arterial chemotherapy, multiple anaesthetics, cryotherapy and laser treatments. 

The whirlwind of tubes, ports, chemicals, and endless hours waiting that followed Eva’s diagnosis was overwhelming… but a silver lining was the incredible outpouring of support.

Eva’s extended family flew in and mobilised from every corner of the globe to support this brave little girl. 

Fast forward to today and Eva has been kicking cancer’s butt for 2 years. Treatment has been rough, but cancer is NO match for this sassy, clever and incredibly brave girl.

Thankfully, Eva is now through the worst of her cancer journey and should be in full remission by the time she turns 5.

Due to the faulty gene that caused her cancer, the reality is that she will be at risk of developing soft tissue cancer for the rest of her life.

But with appropriate care and supervision, Eva will grow into a healthy adult with most of her vision intact.

Eva, you are a total superstar – we’re riding for YOU this October!